Title Three Sushi no Tsunayoshi Kawarazaki Gonjuro Kawagoe Matsujiro. Author Toyokuni III (Kunisada). Size 25.5 x 37 cm. He was a student of Toyokuni I, and his works were called Ukiyo-e. Some of his painting titles include Ichiyousai, Gototei, Getsuharou, Kotoraisya, and Kachorou. He was a student of Toyokuni I and took over Toyokuni’s name in 1844. He is known as “Kunisada of Yakusha-e” for his paintings of actors that convey the excitement of the stage. In his portrayals of beautiful women, he painted stylish, glamorous, hunchbacked, boar-necked beauties that reflected the tastes of the times, and his popularity is symbolized by the overwhelming volume of his work.
WB Toyokuni Kunisada Japanese Woodblock Prints Antique Meiji Ukiyo-e Sea Kabuki
Author: adminJun 8
Original Toyokuni III/Kunisada 2 Japanese Woodblock Prints 14×10 Oban
Author: adminMay 28
Lady holding gavel and gavel pad. Artist is Toyokuni III/Kunisada – this is an original print and is thin. The colors are very nice. There is some slight staining, a few holes and some very small tears along edges. Please see photos for details. All of these can be framed and matted out. 14″ x 9.5″ Oban size. Man sitting down with arm up in air. Artist is Toyokuni III/Kunisada – this is an original print. Nice colors with details. There is some light rubbing especially on left back screen. I have collected Woodblock Prints from Japan for many years and decided to downsize and sell some of my collection. I will always state whether the woodblock is an ORIGINAL or a Reprint. I will combine orders if you want! Don’t hesitate to ask any questions. Thank you for looking!
Utagawa Kunisada / Utagawa Toyokuni III Japanese Woodblock The Musical
Author: adminMay 25
Utagawa Kunisada / Utagawa Toyokuni III – Japanese Woodblock – The Musical. Artist: Utagawa Kunisada / Utagawa Toyokuni III. Dimensions: Full Size Including Margins Approx: 347mm x 245mm. Bad creasing to the paper. Scruffy around the edges. Get images that make Supersized seem small. Showcase your items with Auctiva’s. Track Page Views With.
Ukiyo-e UTAGAWA Toyokuni kunisada Japanese Original Woodblock Print Edo female
Author: adminMay 21
If you have any questions and request, Please let me know.
Ukiyo-e UTAGAWA Toyokuni kunisada Japanese Original Woodblock Print Edo female
Author: adminMay 20
If you have any questions and request, Please let me know.
WB Toyokuni Kunisada Japan Woodblock Prints Asian Antique Ukiyo-e Kabuki Samurai
Author: adminMay 10
Title Yakusha-e (Painting of an actor). Author Toyokuni III (Kunisada). Condition: holes, creases, rubbing. Size: 26 x 38 cm. He was a student of Toyokuni I, and his works were called Ukiyo-e. Some of his painting titles include Ichiyousai, Gototei, Getsuharou, Kotoraisya, and Kachorou. He was a student of Toyokuni I and took over Toyokuni’s name in 1844. He is known as “Kunisada of Yakusha-e” for his paintings of actors that convey the excitement of the stage. In his portrayals of beautiful women, he painted stylish, glamorous, hunchbacked, boar-necked beauties that reflected the tastes of the times, and his popularity is symbolized by the overwhelming volume of his work.
Original Antique Woodblock Print On Rice Paper Toyokuni Kunisada (1786-1864)
Author: adminMay 9
I have not tried to remove. The the frame does have some minor scuffs. It measures: framed 19″H x 14 3/8″W sight 9 1/2″W x 13 5/8″H Thank you for looking!
Antique Woodblock Print On Rice Paper Toyokuni Kunisada (1786-1864) Original
Author: adminMay 7
I have not tried to remove. The the frame does have some minor scuffs. It measures: framed 19″H x 14 3/8″W sight 9 1/2″W x 13 5/8″H Thank you for looking!
Original Antique Woodblock Print On Rice Paper Toyokuni Kunisada (1786-1864)
Author: adminMay 6
Condition: The print is in Beautiful condition framed. I have not tried to remove. The the frame does have some minor scuffs. It measures: framed 19″H x 14 3/8″W sight 9 1/2″W x 13 5/8″H Thank you for looking!
Ukiyo-e UTAGAWA Toyokuni kunisada Japanese Original Woodblock Print Edo female
Author: adminApr 29
If you have any questions and request, Please let me know.