“Mid-Autumn” of the “Birds and Flowers of Japan” series, self-printed by Rakusan. The series was comprised of 100 different prints, printed in a limited edition of 200. The designs were only available by private subscription and were issued two per month starting April 24, 1929. There is a vertical center fold, however it is not visible when framed on the front, only on the back. There are gold flakes on the print, making it even more special. Lovely colors and subject. Print is 15″H x 20″W, framed 23″ W x 18″H. Metal frame with acid-free matting and UV-resistant plexiglass.
Archive for the ‘ rakusan ’ Category
Rakusan Mid-Autumn of the Birds and Flowers of Japan series woodblock print
Author: adminJan 25
RAKUSAN TSUCHIYA Japanese Woodblock Print 100 Series Circa 1940
Author: adminJul 23
RAKUSAN TSUCHIYA Japanese Woodblock Print 100 Series Circa 1940. The 22 inch by 17 inch print is from his 100 Series produced from 1935 to 1940. This particular print can be identified by the water mark (Edition II), seal (Seal F), and signature Rakuzan Koushisei. The print does have some issues; a piece of the paper missing on the top left, two small tears at the top center, and creasing on the right edge half way down the print. Rakusan (Rakuzan) Tsuchiya captured the natural world through lush compositions, rich color and sparkling embellishments. Trained as a painter, Rakusan Tsuchiya gained renown as a woodblock print artist through his self-published kacho-e prints, or bird and flower pictures. In these natural vignettes, he brought fresh perspective to classic pairings of bird and bloom. Born in Hyogo prefecture, Rakusan worked in Kyoto. He also used the name Rakusan Koshisei. In 1913, he became the pupil of the influential painter Seiho Takeuchi. During 1920s through 1950s, Rakusan built a successful career as a print artist. He produced his most successful series. Rakusan Kacho Gafu (Rakusan Flower and Bird Series). Between 1929 and 1933. Based on paintings he had completed between 1925 and 1929, the 100 large-scale woodblock prints proved so popular that many designs remained in print until his studio closed in 1955. The three resulting editions can be distinguished through their watermarks. In the late 1940s, Rakusan reached an American audience through his partnership with Walter T. The California-based publisher became a good friend of Rakusan and published artists book. The Art of Rakusan Tsuchiya, Famous Print Maker of Japan. Though the expected romanization of the artist’s name is “Rakuzan, ” the artist preferred the spelling Rakusan.
RAKUSAN TSUCHIYA Japanese Woodblock Print Bamboo Lily & Bush Warbler Nest
Author: adminJun 9
Beautiful original woodblock print by RAKUZAN TSUCHIYA from the late 1930′s – early 1940′s Original Number 69 from the artist’s Flower & Bird Print Series. Believed to be Edition II. A few minor tears at paper edges & a few spots to print. Please see photos for condition. Paper measures approximately 24″ x 18.25″. Print area 18.75″ x 13″.